Invisible mannequin dummies are becoming too popular among clothing store owners

12/06/2015 12:19

Looks like the entire apparel industry is into 1 common thing - that is to edit their clothing photos for invisible mannequin effects. It is understandable as well as the   clothing business owners will need to display their clothing on their web shops and the best as well as most cost effective way of presenting their products on their business i sinvisible mannequin photography.

Typically, all businesses were using standard dress form mannequins or standard clothing product mannequins to take the product pictures. Then these pictures would get edited in Photoshop for creating invisible mannequin effects.


To come up with better looking pictures and possibly eliminate the Photoshop editing requirement, industry came up with  i nvisible mannequin dummy. Where it is a cool idea to use this invisible mannequin dummy for shooting product pictures, this however doesn't eliminate the need for photoshopping.


invisible ghost mannequin Certain areas of the clothing item can be made invisible using an invisible mannequin dummy, but some areas can still be visible which do require Photoshop editing. So what's the point of taking pictures on an expensive mannequin and then having to spend additional money editing the pictures?


Some clothing industry photographers use these invisible mannequin dummies to show their clients that they can take invisible mannequin images for clothing items. Basically this is a sales pitch or marketing strategy. This way of photography is however looks very nice and attractive compared to taking pictures on a standard mannequin.


But if you need invisible ghost mannequin photography to display your product on the website, then your best and most cost effective way of doing it would be to take the pictures on the standard mannequin and then Photoshop them for creating the ghost mannequin effect.

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